I think it is important for everyone to share their own experience and knowledge. I have learned so much from other people, and still keep learning. Knowledge and Experience are the most powerful gifts we can all give to each other and future generations.
I love neatly organizing my thoughts and writing them down. The act of doing this gets them out of my brain so I don’t have to keep remembering them. Then I can be calm, listen, and focus on other things.
Music was the most intense passion of my life. My music page is where I’ll be posting music from my most active period, 2003 to 2013. I have written music for my solo project, band, and various collaborations.
My work and family have become my focus, so music has become tertiary. The majority of my free time goes into learning a variety of new, seemingly unrelated things, and listening to new music.
So, this website will continually expand…but it’ll happen gradually.